
Be a part of God’s Plan at Maple Springs…Get Involved!

The ministries at Maple Springs strengthens the church family and reaches out to our community. Each member, according to the gifts that God has given each of us, has an opportunity to serve. Whatever your talents or interests may be, there’s a ministry that needs you. If you would like information or wonder where you can serve, contact our pastor.

Be a part of God’s Plan at Maple Springs…Get Involved!

Sunday Life Groups

Sunday Life Groups are foundational to the character and growth of the church. Through our small group Bible studies, members are able to relate personally to one another and grow in their faith. Our classes are taught by members of the church who are dedicated to God’s Word and desire to accurately interpret the Truth.

Join us at 10:00 am for preschoolers through adults. The Bible studies are organized essentially by age, although there are classes that are multi-aged and cross-generational in composition. Each study group teaches the Bible and applies it to our daily lives. We seek to encourage relationships with one another and God, and reach other people through the gospel message. Come worship, serve, and learn as we instruct and evangelize in the church and community.

There are greeters at the worship center that would be happy to assist you in finding your class.

Youth Group

The Youth Group at Maple Springs is a great place for students to grow in their knowledge of God and to grow together as the body of Christ so that they may go out and live for him in their

day to day lives.

We meet Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, but we have many other events, trips, and other opportunities to serve and have fun throughout the year as well. Additionally, we meet every Sunday morning for Sunday school at 10:00 am. The Youth Group is for all students from 6th-12th grade.

Feel free to contact us with any questions, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Kid's Club

Our Kid's Club provides many ways for your child to learn about the Bible, grow in their faith, and have a ton of fun while doing so!

Sunday mornings include Sunday School and Children’s Church where the kids are introduced to amazing stories from the Scripture in fun, hands-on, and exciting ways of learning.

On Wednesday nights, we have our Kid’s Club program that focuses on missions and Bible skills and drills. The kids have monthly events to keep the excitement pumping, but the focus of everything remain on the Gospel. Come join the Kid’s Club at Maple Springs!


Children are an important part of our church. We offer a nursery for all of our services and have separate rooms for infants and toddlers. All of our nursery workers have undergone background checks and have been a member of our church for at least six months. Snacks are sometimes provided in the nursery which include: goldfish, cheerios, and water or juice boxes. If your child has any allergies, please alert the nursery staff when you drop them off. If you have any questions, please contact our nursery coordinator.

Nursery Coordinator: Stancy Fuller


The Music Ministry seeks to exalt, praise, and glorify the name of Jesus through music and worship. Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God." The goal of this ministry is to be a witness through song.

Music Director: Penny Hill

Ladies Ministry

The ladies of Maple Springs meet throughout the year for special events which include Bible study,  parties and other events. One of our favorite events is our annual Ladies Ornament Exchange party. We would love to have you come and be a part of our ladies fellowship.

Ministry Coordinator: Joanna Havens

Men's Ministry

The men’s ministry at Maple Springs Baptist Church seeks to encourage men to develop and strengthen their personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through Bible study, prayer, times of fellowship, and small group meetings.

Our newly revamped “Triple B Men’s Ministry”  meet Saturday each month at 8:30 am. Triple B stands for "Brothers, Bibles, and Biscuits."  All men are welcome. Please sign up on the bulletin board at the back of the worship center or on Realm if you plan to attend.

Ministry Coordinator: Chip Davis

Senior Ministry

The Senior Adults enjoy a variety of activities throughout the year. The monthly luncheon and day trips are just a few of the events provided for our seniors. Check the bulletin for more information or contact our ministry coordinators to see what's happening.

Sign up is not necessary for the monthly luncheons, sign up sheets for all other activities can be found on the bulletin board in the worship center and on Realm.

Ministry Coordinators: Mark & Robyn Presley

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